The Zone
Ages 7-12

The Zone is a supervised space for school-aged kids to hang out at the Y while you are exercising on-site. With activities like video games, basketball shoot-out, crafts, and more, kids will have a blast while making new friends! Access to The Zone is included in your membership, and registration is not necessary. 

    Days Southeast Y Hours Northwest Y Hours
    M Closed 4:30-7:30 pm
    T Closed 4:30-7:30 pm
    W Closed 4:30-7:30 pm
    Th Closed 4:30-7:30 pm
    F Closed Closed
    Sat 8:45 am-12:15 pm 8:45 am-12:15 pm
    Sun Closed Closed

    Where is The Zone?

    • At our Northwest location, head back to the Annex, take a left at the end of the hall with the glass Play and Learn windows, and enter the second door on the right.
    • At our Southeast location, head to Cardinal Court and enter the first door on the right.

    Please review our "Kids at the Y" guidelines with your child before they visit The Zone.

    Kids at the Y Guidelines

    Have questions? The Zone FAQ may be helpful:

    How do I sign up?

    Who can come play?

    Where is The Zone?

    What kind of activities does The Zone have?

    What should we leave at home?

    How long can my child stay in The Zone?

    Can I run outside or do some errands?

    What happens if my child becomes ill?

    On which holidays is The Zone closed?

    Who can I contact with additional questions?