From Monday, March 17 through Monday, March 31, we're waiving Joiner Fees on all new and renewed memberships for a savings of up to $100!

One Membership, Two Convenient Locations

We are one Y with two great facilities. Your Y membership gives you full access to the Southeast and Northwest Y branches and many other unbeatable benefits outlined below!

Before you visit our Y for the first time, please review our code of conduct. To promote a safe and welcoming environment for our members and guests, we ask all individuals visiting our Monroe County Y to act appropriately while exhibiting the character values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility.

Code of Conduct

Benefits of Being a Y Member:

Exclusive Member Discounts

Free Childcare While You Workout

Free Group Ex Classes

Free & Rentable Lockers

Equipment Orientation and Fitness Support

Nationwide Reciprocity