Registration Steps
- Send Matt Osgood an email (info@monroecountyymca.org) confirming your company will be participating this year, along with the total number of employees in the company (not the number of individuals competing).
- Reservations are required to participate in golf, Escape Rooms, and Quiz Bowls. Please send names and requested time slots. Because of the uniqueness of this year, participants will be allowed to participate in both golf events, both Quiz Bowls, and both Escape Rooms. Quiz Bowls and Escape Rooms will be different each time. Names and reservations must be submitted to the Y by Friday, August 28 for the first Quiz Bowl and Friday, September 4 for all remaining events.
- An estimate of the number of participants in your company attending Corporate Challenge Super Days is required two days before each Super Day. Since there will be a limited number of events this year, we will make sure to have more than enough staff running each event, which will allow us to spread events out more than ever. Accurate participant numbers will help immensely. If you feel more comfortable having a Super Day for your company only, please contact Matt by August 28. He will do his best to schedule it during the month of September.
- For "on your own events" points credit, we would love participants to provide a photo of themselves competing in the event. Photos are not required, but they will help us spread the word of our fundraising efforts in the midst of the pandemic. These events are Day of Running/Walking, Day of Cycling, Day of Swimming, Fitness Challenge, giving blood, and taking part in a Dine & Donate.
- For the canned food drive and diaper drive, those dropping off items should write their full name and company on the donation items to receive points.