Health and Safety Policies
Per the Local Health Regulation (mask mandate) rescinded by the Monroe County Health Department on March 4, 2022, all Y members, guests, and staff are no longer required to wear a face mask, shield, or covering while using the Y facilities. You can read the full announcement regarding the Monroe County Health Department’s decision to reinstate the mask mandate at www.co.monroe.in.us.
Based on these directives from the CDC and Monroe County officials, our Monroe County Y no longer requires masks for our Y members and staff,.
We are excited to take steps toward returning to a normal Y experience. We will adjust our policies as needed per the CDC and Monroe County Health Department recommendations in order to maintain a healthy environment at the Y. Thank you for your patience and continued support!
More Info about Y Policies:
We work hard to establish policies in order to maintain a healthy environment for our staff and members. In order to keep the facilities open, it is critical for you to follow these policies. We understand that while not everyone will agree with these decisions, it is essential to follow what the CDC and our local health departments suggest in order to remain open.
We are in close contact with our Monroe County Health Department, Y-USA, Indiana Alliance of YMCAs, neighboring YMCAs, and other community constituents to determine best practices. While this list is not exhaustive and is subject to change, the following policies will be enforced to help ensure the health and well-being of all of our staff and members:
General Facility Policies:
1. If you have a 100.4 or higher temperature or are experiencing any COVID-19-related symptoms, please refrain from coming to the Y until fever or symptom-free without fever-reducing medication for at least three days.
2. Before you visit the Y for the first time since we closed, you must sign an updated waiver per our insurance policy.
3. Staff, members, and vendors entering the buildings can sanitize hands upon entry and exit with provided hand sanitizer at the Welcome Center or in the lobby or locker room bathroom sinks.
4. Please adhere to six feet social distancing guidelines established by the CDC if you are not vaccinated. Be especially mindful in smaller areas, such as locker rooms and Welcome Center lobbies.
5. Wipe down any equipment with the green microfiber towels every time after use, which includes basketballs, cardio equipment, and free weights. After using it one time, please place the green microfiber towels in the yellow bins located throughout the facility so they can be washed and sanitized.
6. Depending on the department, policies are enforced for staff members, such as staggered work schedules and virtual meetings, in order to minimize contact between staff when possible.
Wellness Center, Weight Room, and Basketball Court Policies:
- In order to maintain six feet in between each cardio equipment and weight lifting equipment, select pieces from the Wellness Center and Weight Rooms have been moved to Fit Room 2 at our Southeast Y, and select cardio equipment at our Northwest Y is out of service. Each piece is first come, first served with a 30-minute time limit on each.
- We have increased the amount of hospital-grade sanitary spray available around the facility. As a reminder, you must wipe down any equipment with the green microfiber towels every time after use, which includes basketballs, cardio equipment, and free weights. After using it one time, please place the green microfiber towels in the yellow bins located throughout the facility so they can be washed and sanitized.
Here is how we actively prevent the spread of germs within our facilities:
- We use an electrostatic disinfection device, called EMist, that covers 80,000 square feet within two hours. Please do not wipe down areas if you see a staff member wearing a blue backpack device misting areas within the facility. The mist must be left on the surface in order to allow enough time for it to spread across the surface and dry.
- The green microfiber towels in the Wellness Center and Weight Room, as well as our cleaning towels, trap bacteria and prevent it from transferring to another surface. We use microfiber towels instead of paper towels or cotton towels, which wipe around the germs rather than removing them.
- It is our Y’s policy for members to wipe down fitness equipment and weights after use with the provided green microfiber towels, so please adhere to this policy.
- All towels are bleached, and an ozone-generating disinfectant is also used.
- We use Virex, a hospital-grade disinfectant as part of our cleaning practices. The contact time for individual cleaners varies, so the most effective means is to let it air dry instead of wiping down a wet surface.
- It is our priority to disinfect our facilities to prevent the spread of germs, which we do frequently throughout the day and prior to opening and closing, especially in high-traffic areas.
- Public entry doors, counters, tables, and light switches will be sanitized with Virex at a minimum of every two hours.
We strongly encourage you to take the following precautionary measures to protect yourself and our Y members:
- If you are coughing, running a temperature, or feeling sick, please stay home out of respect for your fellow Y members and staff.
- If you’ve been notified by the Department of Health of possible exposure to COVID-19, please do not use the Y for at least 14 days after your exposure.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. We also have hand sanitizer dispensers throughout the facility for you to use. Please wash your hands BEFORE and AFTER exercising, especially if you were handling exercise equipment.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash and wash your hands.
- Please wipe down exercise equipment with the hospital-grade disinfectant after use.
- Make transactions online through your Y account instead of at the Welcome Center when possible. This helps limit the handling of money and interaction.
This pandemic is ongoing, so you are participating in activities at the Y at your own risk.
Signage is posted throughout the facility reminding members to adhere to our health and safety policies. If you refuse to follow these rules, you will be asked to leave the Y. Let’s work together to keep the Y a healthy place for everyone!
Please review our additional program and facility updates here. Please visit our website, Facebook, and Instagram, or download our app for the most up-to-date information.
We hope to see you at the Y again soon. Thank you for staying with us, and we missed you!